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Craiyon is an AI model that generates images from text. The user simply enters a text prompt and Craiyon creates it. For example, if you wanted to see a picture of a dog, you would type “dog” into the Craiyon prompt.

The software was developed as a lighter version of OpenAI’s DALL-E, and was initially named DALL-E Mini. Despite its simple design, Craiyon is surprisingly effective at creating images. The results are not always perfect, but they are usually close enough to be recognizable. And sometimes, the results are even better than what you expect.

How does Craiyon work?

The Craiyon model is a computer-generated image model that was initially trained on millions of images from the internet, as well as the captions that accompanied them. With this data, the model was able to learn how to create images from just a text prompt. In addition, the model was also trained to combine concepts to create new images from any prompt it had a reference for.

For example, if given the prompt “a dog wearing a backpack,” it would first look for images of dogs and backpacks. Then, it would try to recreate an image by superimposing the backpack onto a dog from its database.

Finally, it would use its understanding of how light works to add shadows and other effects to make the image look realistic. As a result, the Craiyon model is not only able to generate realistic images from text descriptions, but it can also create entirely new images by combining different concepts.

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